Saturday, August 3, 2019

Ask Why Instead of What

Ever woken up to the sound of drums at 6 in the morning? What about next to a loved one? Or even just woken up? Well, here’s a wakeup call: Gratitude. Every day of our lives we are stuck in a routine, whatever that routine consists of. We stay stuck in a “Go…repeat” sequence, that it is often difficult to stop. That routine becomes comfortable and it’s usually hard to pay attention to the little details surrounding us. Our lives are composed of countless beautiful things, each of which has its own significance, which lets us grow as people.

                It’s day 4 in Nepal and I have learned so much in our time here that will help me in my lifetime. I have the learned the art of giving and receiving, the importance of a smile and how much happiness can stem from the people who know the true meaning of being joyful. They have shown me the importance of having true, genuine feelings. Being able to feel something so real can be a life changing experience. I’ve found that the people and culture here fill everyone’s soul. Their love overflows to fill a void you didn’t even know you had.

                That is how Class 4 welcomed Carter and I. They took us into their lives and brought us a newfound acceptance and comfort. I felt an instant connection to the students and their personalities. They carry themselves in a mature way, even for 9 year olds. Their eagerness seeping into every move they made. It was contagious. It made teaching them an honor. Every time I would hear their voices pipe up to answer a question or hearing them ask to be seated, makes me feel that much more thankful. They are beyond respectful, and show gratitude for everything, they see and touch. The way they nod their head from side to side to indicate “Yes, I understand” and how that light goes off when they learn something new, is so fulfilling, as a teacher and a friend. It is such a euphoric feeling to experience. I can’t wait to keep enhancing the lives of the people who have already changed my life forever.

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