Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Love, Work, and Hope

Time. A valued idea. Not only an idea but a time and a place. A memory. That second you just lived in, gone, part of the past. A moment you’ll never relive. A beautiful moment that only gets to be experienced once. People talk about going back in time, but we do that through memory, recalling all that we want to remember. The time I wish to use, adding to the fire of happiness, burning with a passion to help. To fuel a laugh, a smile, or even hope. A powerful moment it is to feel a kid’s hand in yours. Looking at them and smiling like you never have before. Laughing with them, dancing, and being carefree. Helping them with cleanup and they look at you and join you, seeing you as an example. Looking up to you, same as you look up to them. Striving to always be happy. My goal for this trip would be that I get to learn more about myself and about people around the world. I want to be able to stand apart from myself and know that what I say reflects my actions.
Morocco, a powerful place. A country with beauté, jamal, beauty. Traditions like no other and a history to remember. Moroccans being the metaphorical “middle child” being targeted by the French and others throughout the first world war, but holding their ground to eventually become independent. The beginning with Europe holding Morocco in its grasp. With different cultural flavors added into Morocco’s daily life.The French Protectorate was caused by a sultan, and this sultan cooperated with the French whilst being respected by the Moroccan population. By the end of the protectorate Casablanca was thriving and Rabat had a new administrative capital.  
Morocco worked to have a pleasant government. Through the monarchy, trying to rid of the parliament. The election in 1977, being fraudulent and corrupt, with many different attempts at keeping the royal control. Early 1980’s the economy wasn’t looking good, and the harvest being poor, while human rights were being brought to attention. Shortly after Hassan passed away, the new reign of Mohammed the sixth began, new rights put in place for women to have more education, providing equity to multiple aspects.
The most interesting thing that I found while researching Morocco was that the currency is named Dirham. I found this interesting because I feel that the currency of a country is a very big representation because you use it to buy, to communicate, and to be recognized for your effort in a workplace.

Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? For where I am… For where I’ll be… What will I accomplish? What will I be? Sure enough society it comes to you… But who will I be, if I am not you? Well of course! I am me. And you are you.